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Έκδοση συλλογικού τόμου (Περιοδικό ΤΟ ΣΥΝΤΑΓΜΑ, διπλό τεύχος – αφιέρωμα)

Το Κέντρο Jean Monnet “Ευρωπαϊκός Συνταγματισμός και Θρησκεία/ες” εκδίδει συλλογή μελετών και σχολιασμένης νομολογίας σχετικά με τη θέση των θρησκειών στην Ευρωπαϊκή Συμπολιτεία αλλά και…


Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece

European Constitutionalism and Religion(s)

The Centre has as its object the relationship between Constitutionalism, as a political project of the European modernity, and religion(s), as a traditional factor in European society/societies. Especially, in light of the growing religious diversity that takes place in European societies, there is an increased need in the academia to focus on the new developments which take account of the changing realities of the world. It takes into consideration the inter-religious relations in the EU, which affect the ‘’constitutional quality’’ of this supranational entity, with a special focus on European Islam. Also, the new developments that prove the “re-public-isation” of religion. While for long time in the most developed European societies, religion had been pushed into the private domain, there is a clear and pressing tendency for it to re-approach the public space. These processes require a new look onto the religious phenomenon and a closer examination of this religious come-back in a multi-disciplinary perspective.

  • To strengthen research and academic debate on religious freedom in today's Europe and especially in Greece
  • To promote the accurate information of the wider society on the process of European integration, the role of religions and human rights
  1. State and Church in the European, and especially the Greek, public sphere
  2. Peaceful coexistence of religions in today's Europe
  3. The reconciliation of religions and fundamental rights in Europe
  • Organisation of scientific meetings
  • Teaching in summer schools and MOOCs
  • Studies, articles, publications