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4. Μισαλλόδοξος λόγος και Θρησκεία (Hate speech and Religion, in Greek), εκδ. Κάλλιπος (open access book)

3. Στοιχεία Δικαίου της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης (=Elements of European Union Law), Patra 2008 (Handbook, 163 pages – in Greek)

2.  Εθνικό Σύνταγμα και Κοινοτικό Δίκαιο: το ζήτημα της ‘υπεροχής’ (=National Constitution and Community Law: the ‘supremacy’ issue), Athens-Komotini 2009 (736 pages – in Greek)

1. Politische Parteien auf europäischer Ebene. Auslegung und Ausgestaltung von Art. 191 (138a) EGV (=Political Parties at European Level. Interpretation and implementation of Article 191 ECT), Schriften zum Parteienrecht, Baden-Baden: Nomos Verlag 1999 (merit award by the Foundation for the Advancement of European Studies) (310 pages – in German) [Inhaltsverzeichnis] [Abstract]



Sexual orientation and gender identity law in the European Union and its Court of Justice, in: Andreas R. Ziegler (ed.), International LGBTI Law: Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Law from an International-Comparative Perspective, OUP 2024

M. Markakis, Ch. Kafka, L. Papadopoulou, Accountability and Democratic Legitimacy in European Union Economic Governance: From the Euro Crisis to the Pandemic and Beyond, (2023) 70 Irish Jurist 68-110

The Legal Treatment of Islamophobic Speech in Europe, in: M. Hill, Islam, Religious Liberty and Constitutionalism in Europe, Hart 2023, 209-224

The Role of the Orthodox Church and of Religion in the Construction of the Greek national State during the first half of the 19th century, in: E. Amiridou / L. Papadopoulou (eds), The Revolution of 1821, the Orthodox Church and Religion, Grafima, 7-58 (in Greek)

The Justiciability of ‘Social Rights’: Evidence from Crisis-Ridden Greece, in: Maribel González Pascual and Aida Torres Pérez (eds), Social Rights in the EMU: New Challenges for a Social Europe, Elgar 2022, 162-185

(with Dafne Lima) EU citizenship, free movement and clashing identities – in the context of same-sex families, in: Hélène Gaudin et al (eds), Mélanges offerts à Vassilios Skouris, Le droit européen, source de droits, source du droit, Mare & Martin 2022, 445-463

The rule of law in Europe and the autocratic populism as a ‘trojan horse’ for its conquest, in: Festschrift for Her Excellency President of the Hellenic Republic Katerina Sakellaropoulou, Sakkoulas 2022, 51-66 (in Greek)

Greece: Implicit changes of the Hellenic Constitution Resulting from EU Integration, in: St. Griller / L. Papadopoulou / R. Puff (eds), National Constitutions and EU Integration, Hart 2022, 247-281

(with Stefan Griller) Squaring the Circle – How National Constitutions and EU Law Interact, in: Stefan Griller / Lina Papadopoulou / Roman Puff (eds.), National Constitutions and EU Integration, Oxford: Hart Publishing 2022, 795-842

2021, “Political” or “Legal” Constitution? Beyond the Dichotomy, in: J. Cremades, C. Hermida (eds.), Encyclopedia of Contemporary Constitutionalism, Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2021 (here)

2021, The 2015 Greek Referendum on Bailouts, in: J. Smith (ed), Palgrave Handbook on European Referendums, Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan 2021, 625-648

2021, The normativity and justiciability of social rights and, at the same time, a defense of the status mixtus of human rights, in: Festschrift for Prof. Constantinos Mavrias, Athens and in: To Syntagma, 3-4/2020, 929-984 (in Greek)

2021, Greece – Further EMU steps require a Democratic Eurozone Architecture, in: Stefan Griller and Elisabeth Lentsch (eds), National Constitutions and the Economic and Monetary Union, Hart 2021, 219-247

2020, Religious education in schools – an evaluation of the case law, in: To Syntagma 1-2/2020, 866-886 (in Greek)

2020, Prohibitions of Religiously Loaded Speech. (How) Can Advocacy for Allowing Blasphemy be Reconciled with Supporting the Prohibition of Hate Speech?, in: Kerstin von der Decken / Angelika Günzel (eds), Staat – Religion – Recht, Festschrift für Prof. G. Robbers zum 70. Geburtstag, Baden-Baden: Nomos 2020, 847-864

2020, Beyond ‘supremacy’: the ‘ultra-vires’ and constitutional identity control of EU acts by national courts, in To Syntagma 4/2019, 1216-1289 (in Greek)

2020, Hate Speech and Autonomy of Religious Communities, in: Merilin Kiviorg (ed), Securitisation of Religious Freedom: Religion and Limits of State Control, European Consortium for Church and State Research, Proceedings of the XXIXth Annual Conference organised in Tallinn, Estonia, 16-18 November 2017, Comares 2020, 99-123

(2020) Securitisation of Religious Freedom: Religion and the Limits of State Control in Greece, in: Merilin Kiviorg (ed), Securitisation of Religious Freedom: Religion and Limits of State Control, European Consortium for Church and State Research, Proceedings of the XXIXth Annual Conference organised in Tallinn, Estonia, 16-18 November 2017, Comares 2020, 257-273

2020, Commentary on Articles 6 and 7 Charter of the Fundamental Rights of the EU, in: V. Skouris (ed), Commentary of the Lisbon Treaty, Sakkoulas 2020, 2101-2108 and 2109-2116 (in Greek)

2020, Commentary on Articles 9 Charter of the Fundamental Rights of the EU, in: V. Skouris (ed), Commentary of the Lisbon Treaty, Sakkoulas 2020, pp. 2125-2129

2020, Commentary on Articles 12 and 13 Charter of the Fundamental Rights of the EU, in: V. Skouris (ed), Commentary of the Lisbon Treaty, Sakkoulas 2020, pp. 2137-2142 and 2143-2146

2020, Commentary on Articles 10, 11, 12 TEU, in: V. Skouris (ed), Commentary of the Lisbon Treaty, Athens-Thessaloniki: Sakkoulas, 115-136 (in Greek)

2019, The relationships between Church and State [in Greece] 200 years after the 1821 Revolution, in: The Constitution in Development, in Honor of Prof. Antonios Manitakis, Athens-Thessaloniki: Sakkoulas Publ, 617-666 (in Greek)

2019, State and Church in Greece, in: G. Robbers (ed), State and Church in the European Union, 3rd edition Nomos Verlag, 171-194

2018, Sexual orientation and gender identity law in the European Union and its Court of Justice, in: P. Naskou-Perraki / Ν. Gaitenided / St. Katsoulis (eds.), European Policies from and to protection of fundamental rights, Sakkoulas publ 2018, 175-230 (in Greek)

2019, Religion and the Constitution in Greece and in Europe: ten brief comments, in: Α-Κ. Dimopoulou (ed.), Religious freedom – Topical legal issues, Athens-Thessaloniki: Sakkoulas publ. 2019, 63-87 (in Greek)

2018, Schooling as a basis for naturalisation: Exploring the educational and philosophical underpinnings of a legal debate in Greece, in: Alessandra Viviani (ed), Global Citizenship Education, Multiculturalism and Social Inclusion in Europe – The Findings of the ‚I have Rights‘ project, Coimbra: Agosto 2018, pp 201-223

2017 The LawsAndFamilies Database – Aspects of legal family formats for same-sex and different-sex couples: Report: Greece on 1 – Formalisation 3 – Parenting 5 – Splitting up,, 2017

2017, The constitutional foundations of the right to harmonize one’s own psycho-social and legal gender, in: Recognition of Gender Identity, Athens-Thessaloniki: Sakkoulas 2017, pp 37-58 (in Greek)

2017, ‘All good things come in threes’: from a double to a triple democratic legitimacy of the European Union, in: Lina Papadopoulou, Ingolf Pernice and Joseph H.H. Weiler (eds.), Legitimacy Issues of the European Union in the face of Crisis, Dimitris Tsatsos in memoriam, ECLN Series Vol. 9, Nomos/Hart 2017, 61-94

2016, Institutions of ‘direct legislation’ – with a special focus on the Greek Constitution, in: 1st (First) Albanian-Greek symposium organised on July 29-30, 2013 at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece, Publication of proceedings, Tirana: Vllamasi 2016, pp 79-103

2016, with Ozeni Athanasiadou, Die Öffentlichkeitsbeteiligung im UVP-Verfahren aus der Sicht des internationalen, europäischen und griechischen Rechts – Ein Überblick, in: E. Hofmann, L.Papadopoulou and K. Gogos, Demokratisch-funktionale Analyse der Öffentlichkeitsbeteiligung in Umwelt- und Infrastrukturrecht, Mohr Siebeck 2016, 87-104

2016, with Achilleas Koutsouradis, Family Forms and Parenthood, Theory and Practice of Article 8 ECHR in Greece, in: Andrea Büchler and Helen Keller (eds), Family Forms and Parenthood, Theory and Practice of Article 8 ECHR in Europe, Intersentia 2016, 237-260

5 2016 Types of ‘People’s Legislation’: Referendum and popular initiative, in: A.I. Metaxas, Political Science IV, Political Sociology, Athens: Sideris, pp 269-288 (in Greek)

2016, Law and Religion in Greece, in: G. Robbers & W.C. Durham (eds), Encyclopedia of Law and Religion, Vol 4: Europe, Leiden/Boston: Brill 2016, 156-166

2015, The Architecture of European Democracy according to the Lisbon Treaty, in: D. Agnostopoulou (ed), Democracy, Citizenship, and Equality in the European Union, Jean Monnet Chair Publications, University of Macedonia Press 2015, 10-36 (in Greek)

2015, Is there a “right to reproduce” through MAR techniques?, In: Venetia Kantsa / Lina Papadopoulou / Giula Zanini (eds), (In)fertile Citizens: Anthropological and legal challenges of assisted reproduction technologies, Athens: Alexandria Publications 2015, 39-52

2015, Medically assisted reproduction and exclusions in the Greek law, in: V. Kantsa (ed.), Changing Relations – Kinship and medically assisted reproduction, Athens: Alexandreia 2015, 225-245 (in Greek)

2015, The legal notion of ‚family’ and same-sex couples: Lesson from the European Court of Human Rights, in: Collected Essays in Honour of Eftihia Manoledaki, Sakkoulas 2015, 355-390 (in Greek)

2015, Public authorities and the training of religious personnel in Greece, Symposium of European Consortium for Church and State research, Strasbourg, 22-23 November 2013, in: Francis Messner (ed.), Public Authorities and the Training of Religious Personnel in Europe – La formation des cadres religieux en Europe,  Granada: Comares 2015, 125-146,
text available at:

2015, The gradual constitutionalisation of the Area Freedom, Security and Justice), in: Jean Monnet Chair of the University of Macedonia, Conference: Developments and Challenges in the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice, Thessaloniki 14-16/02/2013, Conference Proceedings, University of Macedonia Publisher 2015, pp 161-193 (in Greek)

2015, Religious Jurisdictions in Greece, in: R. Potz & W. Wieshaider (eds), Religious Adjudication and the State, Proceedings of the XXVIth Annual Conference of the European Consortium for Church and State Research, Vienna, 13-16 November 2014, Granada: Comares 2015, 91-106

2014, Can constitutional rules, even if ‘golden’, tame Greek public debt?, In: Maurice Adams, Federico Fabbrini and Pierre Larouche (eds), The Constitutionalization of European Budgetary Constraints, Hart publishing 2014, pp 223-247

2014, Die Europäisierung der Verfassungsinterpretation (=The Europeanisation of the interpretation of the Constitution) , in: Dimitris-Tsatsos-Institut für Europäische Verfassungswissenschaften (Hrsg), Verfassung – Parteien – Unionsgrundordnung (Gedenksymposion für Dimitris Th. Tsatsos), Berliner Wissenschafts-Verlag 2014, 89-135 (in German)

2014, Public debt of the states and the political duty of the European Union, in: Public debt crisis and European integration, Athens: Papazisis publications 2014, 49-93 (in Greek)

2014, Die implizite Änderung der griechischen Verfassung durch das EU Recht, ZaöRV 74 (1/2014), 1-21

2014, Is there a right to die? A dialogue with Prof. Manoledakis, Conference in memoria Ioannis Manoledakis, Dikaiomata tou Anthropou 59/2014, pp 43-77 (in Greek)

2013, Types of ‘direct legislation’: referendum and people’s initiative, in: ISTAME, Chr Akrivopoulou / Nikos Papahristos (eds), The challenge of the Revision of the Constitution, Athens-Thessaloniki 2013, pp 41-64 (in Greek)

2013, ‘Advanced directives: bioethical and constitutional evaluation, in: Kanellopoulou-Botti / Panagopoulou-Koutnatzi (eds), Medical Responsibility and bioethics: Modern approaches and future perspectives, Athens: Pashalides 2013, pp 233-272 (in Greek)

2013, Is high education free, according to the Constitution?, in: Dikaiomata tou Anthropou (Human Rights) 2013, 57/2013, pp 169-242 (in Greek)

2011, Thoughts about Demos and Democracy in the European Union, in: A. Manitakis (ed), Democracy between Utopia and Reality, Essays for Zissis Papadimitriou, Athens: Savallas 2011, 152-174

2011. The protection of fundamental rights at EU level and the Charter: Yorgos Papadimitriou ‘s Thought and Contribution, in: Constitution, Democracy and Institutions, Vol. I, Athens-Thessaloniki: Sakkoula 2011, 197-212 (in Greek)

On demos and democracy in the European Union, in: A. Manitakis (ed.), Democracy between Utopia and Reality, Festschrift for Zissis Papadimitriou, Athens: Savalas, 2011, pp. 152-174

Vom Prinzip des ‘Vorrangs’ zur pluralistischen Auffassung der Rechtsquellen, Hagener Online-Beiträge zu den Europäischen Verfassungswissenschaften, IEV-Online 3/2010 [pdf]

The protection of fundamental rights at EU level and the Charter: Yorgos Papadimitriou’s Thought and Contribution, in: Constitution, Democracy and Institutions, Vol. I, Athens-Thessaloniki: Sakkoula, 2010, pp. 197-212 (in Greek)

Die Ausstrahlung der im deutschen Grundgesetz gewährten Menschenwürde auf die griechische Verfassung, (together with Κ. Chryssogonos), in: Jahrbuch des Öffentlichen Rechts der Gegenwart, Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck 2010, pp. 53-71 (in German)

Trapped in history: Greek Muslim Women under the Sacred Islamic Law, in: Annuaire International des Droits de lʼhomme (AIDH), Vol. V, 2010, Religions et droits de lʼ home, Athen / Bruxelles: Ant.N. Sakkoulas / Bruylant, 2010, pp.397-418 [paper on ssrn]

The development of the relation between the legal orders of France and the EU, in:Festschrift for L. Theoharopoulos and D. Kontoyorga, Vol. II, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki 2009, pp. 439-478 (in Greek)

The German political system and the prerogatives of its implementation, Athens: Papazissis 2008 (in Greek) (54 p.)

Same-sex Marriage, in: Dikaiomata tou Anthropou (Human Rights), Issue 38/2008, pp. 405-489 (in Greek)

Positive action as instrument of substantive equality, in:, 2007 (in Greek)

‘Lost in translation’: Or, how political preferences regarding the Future of Europe are translated into constitutional arrangements, in: To Syntagma (The Constitution) Special issue 2007, pp. 231-274 (in Greek) and also presented at the VII World Congress of the International Association of Constitutional Law, Athens 11-15 June 2007, [paper on ssrn]

The (non)recognition of same sex couples as ‘family’ by the ECJ and ECHR, in: N. Chatzitryfon / Th. Papazisi (eds), Same-sex families, Proceedings of the 2nd Interdisciplinary Conference “Gender and its attitudes”, Thessaloniki: Olympion 12-13.05.05, Athens-Thessaloniki: Epikentro 2007, pp. 31-51 (in Greek)

The Principle of Equality in Greek Constitutional Law, in: A. Weber (ed.), Fundamental Rights in Europe and North America, Part B: The Individual Rights, III: The Individual Rights, Supplement 7, Kluwer Law International, Oct 2004, pp. 1-75 (in English)

‘Women’s participation and Democracy: Quotas in Political and Constitutional Theory’, in:Dikaiomata tou Anthropou (Human Rights) 32/2006, 1243-1298 (in Greek)

‘Elections and Governments 1896-1904 (in Greece), in: History of the Hellenes, ed. By Yorgos Anastasiadis, Athens: DOMI 2006, Vol. 14, pp. 66-119 (in Greek)

Multilevel Governance in the New Constitutions of ‘Old’ Europe, in: X. Kontiadis (ed.), Five Years after the Constitutional Revision in 2001, Athens: Ant. Sakkoulas ed. 2006, pp. 179-220 (in Greek)

‘Old’ Europe, New Constitutions: A tour to the constitutional revisions in West Europe at the turn of the Century’, in: X. Kontiadis (ed.), Five Years after the Constitutional Revision in 2001, Athens: Ant. Sakkoulas ed. 2006, pp. 129-177 (in Greek)

The conceptual possibility and the normative necessity of a European Constitution, in: CECL, P. Νskou-Perraki (ed.), Administrative Law. Constitutional Law. Recent Developments in the European Space, Athens-Komotini: Sakkoulas ed. 2005, pp. 111-141 (in Greek)

Equality v. Equality: models of distributive justice, Epistimi ke Koinonia (Science and Society), 13/2004, pp. 167-199 (in Greek) [adaptation of Master Thesis in Political Theory – in English] [pdf]

Children and Religious freedom. An Enquiry into children’s capability of being holders of rights and the nature of religious freedom in the Western world, in: Conference Of the International Society of Family Law, Copenhagen/Oslo 2-7/08/2002, Oslo: Gyldendal 2004, pp. 533-551 [paper on ssrn]

The twin treaties of extradition and mutual judicial agreement between EU-USA: legal basis and competence and process, in: To Syntagma (The Constitution) 3/2003, pp. 449-498 (in Greek)

The constitutional construction of Europe: the view from the Hellenic Constitution, in: Manitakis / Papadopoulou (eds.), The prospect of a Constitution for Europe, Thessaloniki: Sakkoulas 2003, pp. 147-199 (in Greek)

European Political Parties: Instruments of Political Integration or Bureaucratic Mechanisms?, in: Political Parties in the 21st century, Athens: Sakkoulas 2003, pp. 373-426 (in Greek)

In(di)visible Citizens(hip): Same-sex partnerships in EU immigration law, in: Yearbook of European Integration 2002, pp 229-262  (in English) [download][paper on ssrn]

The constructive self-destruction of the Constitution, or, How the Constitution receives the European integration, in: Association of Jung Researchers of European Studies (ed.), 20 years after the Greece’s accession to the European Community, Athens: Sakkoulas 2002, pp 23-45 (in Greek)

Article 2: Non-discrimination, Article 14: Freedom of thought, conscience and religion, Article 30: Minorities. Interpretation and Comments, in: The UN-Convention of the Rights of the Children, Perraki / Chrissogonos / Anthopoulos (eds.), Athens: Sakkoulas 2002, pp 38-44, 136-144, 311-319 respectively (in Greek)

The protection of fundamental rights in the EU and the Charter, in: To Syntagma (The Constitution), 6/2001, pp 1267-1326 (in Greek)

Recording religion on ID cards, in: To Syntagma (The Constitution), 4-5/2000, 4, pp 675-723 (in Greek)

Towards a European Federation, in: Koinonia Politon (Civil Society), 2000, 5, pp 67-73 (in Greek)

The European Charter of Fundamental Rights, in Evropaiki Ekfrasi (European Expression), 37/2000, pp 49-55 (in Greek)

Grundzüge des griechischen Arbeitsrechts (=Principles of the Greek labour law), in Ioannis Papagiannis (ed.), Griechisches Wirtschafts- und Unternehmensrecht, Athens-Munich 1997, pp 383-422 (in German)

Parteiinterne Quotenregelungen (=Quotas in political parties), in Mitteilungen des Instituts für Deutsches und Europäisches Parteienrecht (Journal of the Institute for German and European Party Law), Hagen, Nr.3, Dec. 1993, pp 53-73 (in German) [pdf]